Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Individual Psychograph

Within the individual there
are multiple developmental lines which are at various levels or stages of development.


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Krishnamurti and Osho (Two Sages of our Time)

I have read Krishnamurti for several years now and found what he has to say simply remarkable. One of the main elements of his teaching is the idea of conditioning of the human brain (in all of its multifarious forms); naturally Krishnamurti renounces any and all practices which claim to help one achieve or become enlightened. He says we must be a light unto ourselves. More recently I have began reading Osho, in particular, his book of Secrets which contain some 112 techniques for centering and meditation. I came across a rather fascinating conversation where we talked about the message of Krishnamurti and he pointed out that the message the K is trying to convey is for those individuals who don't listen to him in the first place. Osho points out that most people in fact DO need practices and that very very few can go it alone. Here is a quote from the passage:
“ The logic is exactly right, absolutely right----but not for you, because by listening to this logic continuously you will be conditioned by this logic. And those who have been listening to Krishnamurti for forty years are the most conditioned people I have came across. They say there is no method, and still they are nowhere.”

It is a strange thing for anyone who has read Krishnamurti for any extended period of time; and K points out not to accept a thing that he says, but find out for ourselves, so there comes a point where you simply set Krishnamurti aside. You understand well what he is saying, there is nothing you can take away from it in the end unless you have lived the reality behind the teaching. So Personally I don't read K any more, instead I'm back to the book of 112 practices and not seeking any result or outcome; and this is rather liberating. We must remember that freedom is in the very first step!